The book I am doing for my book review is called Bioethics by Carla Mooney. The book starts off by talking about the birth of bioethics; mainly talking about how bioethics started and the main ideas of bioethics. This first chapter in Bioethics is called "The Beginning of Life". In this chapter the topics of artificial insemination and the acts of the government to keep it safe for woman. The next chapter is entitled "The Descision Makers". This chapter talks about vaccinations and the history of vaccinations. The third chapter of Bioethics is called "The End of Life". This chapter talks about the history of euthanasia and the medical advances in voluntary suicide. The chapter goes on to talk about the controversy of choosing to die and it gave stories of people who suffered through controversy of euthanasia. The fourth chapter is called "Research and Development". This chapter talks about the research researchers are doing and the clinical trial going on with animals and people. The fifth chapter of Bioethics is called "Genetic testing and Engineering". This chapter starts off by talking about the early research of genetic testing and then goes on to talk about the impact it can have on people's lives. Its ends by talking about how gene therapy can be used for treatment. The six and final chapter is called "Stem Cell Research and Cloning". It starts off by talking about cloning, saying clonining is " a group of cells or an organism like a plant animal, or human that forms from a single cell of another organism". The chapter then talks about the different animals that have been cloned. In closing, the chapter talks about the stem cell debate and the future of stem cell research.
The first half of this book really describes the different types of bioethics very well. Each chapter is filled with information on vaccinations, euthanasia, and artificial insemination. Although there was a lot of good information, it sometimes became very redundant. Some examples were given over and over again when you felt like you had already gotten the point. But overall, the first half of this book was very informative and gave me a deeper understanding of the world of bioethics.
The second half of Bioethics was discussed a lot of different topics than the first half. I also felt that the book began to get more interesting because it began to talk about the research and how it has effect today than rather talking about examples in the past. Still though it became a little redundant, but I was able to stay in the book and I was able to read it a lot easier.
Overall as a book, it was an ok read for the topic and I learned a lot of new information.
Mooney, Carla. Bioethics. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent Books, 2009. 122. Print.